Car Accident

What is the Statute of Limitations for Car Accidents in Virginia?

After suffering injuries in a car accident, your primary focus may understandably be your recovery. Unfortunately, Virginia law limits how long an injured victim has to file a lawsuit against the liable party. Your injuries may be severe and require long-term medical treatment that prevents you from working. As your financial troubles mount, don’t miss out on your opportunity...

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Car Accident

What Are Common Car Accidents That Lead to Fatalities in Virginia? 

Each year, thousands of Virginians are involved in car accidents ranging in severity from minor fender benders to catastrophic collisions. Sadly, if you get in a Virginia car accident, death is one possible result. Many fatal collisions lead to severe injuries and sometimes death. If you lost a loved one due to a car accident, you and your family...

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Car Accident

Who Is Liable in a Car Accident Caused by an Automotive Defect?

Car accidents can be terrifying. It’s even worse when you discover that something malfunctioned in the vehicle that was supposed to keep you safe. Various auto parts, components, or even an overall defect in the design of a car can lead to catastrophic results. Even if a manufacturer recalls the part or vehicle, it’s typically too late for some...

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Car Accident

What Happens If a Pedestrian Causes an Accident in Virginia?

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “the pedestrian always has the right of way,” many times in your life. While it is true pedestrians often have the right of way, it is not always the case. It also does not give a pedestrian carte blanche to act recklessly or negligently when sharing the roadway with motor vehicles. Sometimes, the pedestrian...

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Car Accident

What Is the Average Settlement for Knee Injuries from a Car Accident in Virginia?

Knee injuries are one of the most common injuries following a car accident. Given the position of car occupants, this probably doesn’t come as much of a surprise. However, knowing what to expect in the wake of an accident isn’t necessarily intuitive. This is especially the case once insurance companies get involved. If you suffered a knee injury in...

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Car Accident

What Are Compensatory Damages When It Comes to Drunk Driving Accidents in Virginia?

Any type of vehicle accident is likely to be a scary experience that can result in both physical and mental harm. Drunk driving accidents are often even more frustrating because there is an assumption that the accident could have been avoided if the intoxicated driver had made responsible decisions about operating the vehicle and consuming alcohol.  As the victim...

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Car Accident

Hit by a Drunk Driver in Virginia? You Can Claim Punitive Damages

No one ever expects to be in a vehicle accident, and sometimes accidents just happen. In the case of a drunk driving accident, someone made a decision to get behind the wheel when they were under the influence of alcohol. Not only does this constitute negligent behavior, but there are also circumstances where this behavior is outrageous and worthy...

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Car Accident

Can I Sue for Emotional Distress After a Car Accident?

A serious car accident can change your life in the blink of an eye.  It’s no secret that car accidents frequently result in significant physical injuries for those involved. And in turn, these injuries can lead to thousands upon thousands of dollars in expenses for injury victims as they navigate the road toward recovery. However, beyond physical injuries, many...

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Car Accident

4 Most Common Injuries in Drunk Driving Accidents in Virginia

Drunk driving puts thousands of drivers at risk every day. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately one person dies every 52 minutes in the United States in a drunk driving accident. Approximately ⅓ of all traffic fatalities in the United States involve drunk drivers. These fatality rates demonstrate why drinking and driving is dangerous. These numbers...

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Car Accident

Steps to Take After a Car Accident in Virginia – River Run Law

Immediately following a car accident, you may be overwhelmed, scared, and injured. However, if you are able, there are essential steps to take after a car accident to protect your rights. These steps may be especially vital in situations where you suffered injuries due to no fault of your own.  Virginia Law and Car Accidents  Virginia law outlines essential...

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